
Friday, April 13, 2012

Long sleeves & shorts

I've always liked to look a bit more classy when wearing shorts. I feel like exposing too much of your body makes you look very raunchy, & even before I started wearing shorts I kind of knew this. 

When I'm getting an outfit together & it involves shorts; I always have to wear a long sleeve blouse or cardigan. 
Honestly, it's a personal thing, I don't like to expose too much at any time!

Lately, I've been seeing blazers trending. Blazers are amazing, & if you're like me & don't like to expose too much and want to keep a conservative look you should try out different varieties of blazers.

Whether you're going for a blazer, coat, cardigan or any type of jacket, I also think that long sleeves can be matched up just as well! Like on this image below you see this girl wearing a stripped long sleeve & high rise shorts. Very good combination, mostly when you wear the high rise shorts; they allow you to tuck in your shirt, which in my opinion looks a lot better. But of course, there's different outfits where you don't have to tuck in, it just really depends on the outfit and look you're trying to pull off!
This is a similar look to the one above, both very cute outfits & amazing garments that will always remain in style!
This look below is sort of everything we have above but combined!
I've been seeing this look everywhere! From magazines, to blogs, & street style photos; it's a really cute look & I think this look will remain in style for such a long time. 
There's many pictures I've seen that combine these 3 must have garments (blazers, breezy T's, & high rise shorts), but of course this is one of many amazing looks.

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